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Born in Hawaii, on Kauai,
Christmas Eve 1900. In the 1930's she went to Japan to visit her family
there, and inform them of the death of her sister. While there she became
very sick and was in the hospital. The doctors were going to operate, and
as she was being prepared she kept hearing a voice saying "Operation
not necessary". Eventually she jumped off the table asking "Is
there another way?". The doctor had a sister who had been cured of
dysentery at Dr. Hayashi's clinic and suggested to Mrs. Takata she talk
with his sister. The sister brought Mrs. Takata to the clinic and her
treatments there began.
After Mrs. Takata became well
she wanted to learn this for herself. However Dr. Hayashi
was not willing to teach her because she was a foreigner.
Through the good graces of her doctor, Mrs. Takata was able
to persuade Dr. Hayashi to train her in Reiki. |
This training took a year and brought her to what we would now
call Reiki Level II (she could do everything but train other
practitioners) After this year she returned to Hawaii. In Hawaii she also
learned the lesson of having the recipient perceive value in
receiving treatments. She treated a neighbor but did not charge, this
neighbor did not value the treatments and did not become well. She
treated another relative and this time charged, and this relative did stay
well. Thus the tradition of charging for Reiki treatment was reinforced
In November 1936 Dr. Hayashi came to Hawaii for a speaking tour to promote
Reiki. During this time he trained Mrs. Takata to teach Reiki, thus
making her what we now would call a Reiki Master. As he left Hawaii he
asked her to come to see him when he summoned her.
After some more time it was
nearing when World War II would start, the part in Europe already having
begun. Dr. Hayashi appeared to Mrs. Takata in a dream asking her to come
to Japan. She did this and found Dr. Hayashi having his Naval Uniform out
of storage and fretful. With the coming war he knew it was a matter of
time before the Navy would call him out of retirement and he would be
asked to perform actions he was not capable of doing due to his spiritual
development. At this time he passed to Mrs. Takata the leadership of
Reiki. He gathered all the Reiki Masters to a gathering, announced Mrs.
Takata to be the leader of Reiki, and then announced he would kill his
physical body through bursting three blood vessels. And as he continued
speaking and lecturing those blood vessels burst and he died.
Mrs. Takata
returned to Hawaii and continued using and teaching Reiki. Eventually she
moved to California, using and teaching Reiki there as well. She did not
teach other masters until 1975, and before her own death in 1980 |