Introduction to
Project |
Planet Earth is undergoing a
profound transformation process
which is without precedent in human history. Referred to in nearly all
religious doctrines and spiritual movements, this prophesied “Golden Age”
can be simply described as a gradual elevation of all life to greatly
expanded levels of conscious awareness. More specifically, Earth and her
humanity are experiencing a cyclic evolutionary process of ascending from a
consciousness paradigm based in duality and separation, to a more advanced
level of conscious understanding which embodies the principles of
inter-connectivity, love and compassion towards all sentient life form.
World peace, unity consciousness and heart centered living will be the
wondrous result.
All one has to do is to walk into a bookstore
or search the Internet to explore the exponential multitude of information
relating to this magnificent global shift into higher consciousness. The
transformation of consciousness embraces all religions and is affecting
every person and every facet of human existence on the planet today.
The Planetary Grid Project
To Accomplish Worldwide Peace and Unity
Children of the Sun Foundation
has successfully initiated the Planetary Grid Project to help transform the
unified field of world consciousness. This project is dynamically propelled
by an elaborate planetary energy grid system.
This planetary grid, a geodesic crystalline
matrix, is a highly advanced,
multidimensional energy system which serves as a transitory bridge between
consciousness paradigms. Also referred to as the Unity Grid and the Grid of
Christ Consciousness, this new earth structure serves as a spiritual
“telecommunications system” to help people connect and remain connected to
the higher consciousness of humans all over the world. By consciously
aligning with and connecting to this grid in regularity and on a collective
basis, participants are strengthening their ability to receive and transmit
pure, divine energy as one synergistic beam of love and transforming power.
To Transform Mass
The goal
of the massive harmonic resonant field created
through the planetary grid unification is to amplify the power of light on
earth to such a degree that the resultant global shift in frequency will
help eliminate major conflict and destructive force in and among our
population and on earth. Moreover, this extraordinary field of unification
creates an influential forcefield capable of healing and transforming the
multitude and reaching into every area of the world.
We are calling forth support and assistance
in the global education and communication efforts of the Planetary Grid
Project. Funding support is also needed to help propel this program into its
full potential. Children of the Sun is a non-profit foundation based in
Sedona, Arizona, USA and with offices in Buenos Aries, Argentina. We are
currently establishing representative offices around the world.
The Healing Realm is forming a
group in the Tampa Bay Florida area. If you are interested, please
Email Me
with the word GRID in the
subject line. Join us on New Moon and Full Moon meditations!
For more information, please
contact us:
Planetary Grid Project: